Click & Collect is a service that allows customers to buy products at, pay online and collect their order directly from one of our participating
Geox stores without incurring any delivery charges. Items will be quickly delivered to a store of the customer’s choice within 2-3 business days. The purchase may only be paid for online and not in a store.
1. Shop at Make your purchase and select the option called “Collection from store”. Choose the store you want to collect the item from and pay online. When you have made your purchase, you will receive a first order confirmation email.
2. Wait for the email confirming in-store availability You will receive a second email as soon as your order is ready to be picked up from the store. This second email will contain the PIN number you need to collect the item.
3. Pick the order up from the store You can pick up your order during normal business hours within 15 days of having received the email confirming availability at the store. It will be necessary to prove your identity and provide the PIN number sent with the second email message.
What happens if the order is not collected? If the order is not picked up within
15 days of it reaching the selected store, we will refund the amount paid to the method of payment used at the time of purchase. It might take up to 14 business days for the refunded amount to be credited from the day the order reaches the warehouse. The length of time required for the refund to appear in your account may vary according to the method of payment used.
What methods of payment are available? Purchases that entail the Click & Collect system may only be paid for online and not in a store. Consult our payment methods for all online purchases (including the Click & Collect service)
How can I return an item? If you are not satisfied with your purchase, or if you have just changed your mind, you can return it to the store, or ask for the Return Authorization Number (RAN) under the “Orders” section in your Personal Area. Alternatively, if you made the purchase as an unregistered customer, go to the “My orders - Submit a return” area which is available in the lower section of the website. Consult the
Returns and Refunds section.
What should I do if I don’t receive an order confirmation email? One thing we always suggest is to check your spam folder. Should there be no confirmation email from Geox, please contact our Customer Service. Get in touch with them